Designing good looking HTML web pages is as simple as it's ever been, with a whole range of excellent design programs around, such as SiteSpinner, Dreamweaver Microsoft Front Page, and others. However, one area many people find difficult and confusing is web forms. Those simple on-screen 'fill in your Details' forms that are so common place yet can be difficult and problematic to produce.
WebFormDesigner is here to help with that. You visually design on the screen, dragging about the various components to create an email form. And when you're done, you can easily produce the HTML Code Snippet ready to paste into your web page.
WebFormDesigner can automatically validate your user's input - ensure the required fields are properly complete, and check that a valid email is input. Restrict input to alphanumeric, numerals only or just letters.
The program provides all the usual form elements such as Edit boxes, Drop-down menus, radio buttons and checkboxes, etc. You can automatically populate menus and lists with popular data, such as country, state or province.